HIGH SCORING CSS GENDER STUDIES 2022 edition SOLVED PAPERS by Dogar Brothers Description:
Salient Features
- Solved Past Papers
- Structured Sample Answers
- Quick Revision Solution
What is CSS Gender Studies Syllabus?
Gender Studies subject consists of the following syllabus for CSS Examination as announced by FPSC. This book can help a lot in better understanding of the syllabus of GS for the purpose of CSS well in CSS exams.
1. Introduction to Gender Studies CSS Syllabus
- Introduction to Gender Studies
- Difference between Gender and Women Studies
- Multidisciplinary nature of Gender studies
- Autonomy VS Integration Debate in Gender Studies
- Status of Gender Studies in Pakistan
2. Social Construction of Gender
- Historicizing Constructionism
- Problematizing the category of “Sex” Theory
- Is ” Sex Socially determined too.
- Masculinity and Feminism
- Nature Vs Culture
3. Feminist Theories and Practices CSS Syllabus 2020
- What is feminism
- Liberal Feminism
- Radical Feminism
- Marxist/ Socialist Feminism
- Psychoanalytical Feminism
- Men’s Feminism
- Postmodern Feminism
4. Feminist Movements
- Feminist Movements in the west, First Wave, Second Wave and 3rd Wave, United Nations Conference on Women, Feminist Movements in Pakistan
5. Gender and Development
- Colonial and capitalistic perspectives of gender, gender analysis of development theories, Modernization theory, World System Theory, Dependency Theory, Structural Functionalism, How Gender approaches to development, Women in Development (WID), Women and Development (WAD) , Gender and Development (GAD), Gender critique of structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs), Globalization and Gender
6. Status of Women in Pakistan
Status of Women Health in Pakistan, Status of Women in Education, Women and Employment , Women and Law
7. Gender and Governance
Defining Governance , Suffragist Movement, Gender Issues in Women as Voters, Gender Issues in Women as candidates, Gender Issues in Women as representatives and Impact of Political Quota in Pakistan.
8. Gender Based Violence
Defining gender based violence , theories of violence against women, structural and direct form of violence , Strategies to eliminates violence against women.
9. Case Studies which got importance in Pakistani and International Media such as Mukhtaran Mai, Malala Yousufzai and Shermin ubain chinoy .
How to Apply for CSS exam?
Follow the guidelines provided on the FPSC website for online application, CSS exam applications usually option during October each year. These are the steps you will need to take to apply for CSS:
- Registration.
- Create and Edit Profile of the applicant.
- Applying online.
- Printing of online application form.
- Dispatch this generated computer pre-filled form.
Which CSS books are best?
CSS syllabus preparation and information: Here is a list of highly recommended books and preparation series for CSS preparation:
- High Scoring CSS Essays Online Series by Abrahim Shah
- CSS High Scoring English Precis & Composition by Career Finder
- CSS Current Affairs Package (with Online Learning) by Dogar Brothers
- Integrated CSS Pakistan Affairs Preparation Package
- Who is Who and What Is What Book by Dogar Brothers
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