
Top 10 Business Books Bundle | Business Books Best Seller | Best Selling Business Books




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Top 10 Business Books Bundle | Business Books Best Seller | Best Selling Business Books




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Top 10 Business Books Bundle | Business Books Best Seller | Best Selling Business Books




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<div><b>Book 1 – Chicken Soup for the Soul:</b></div><div><br></div><div>Two of America's best-loved inspirational speakers share the very best of their collected stories and favorite tales that have touched the hearts of people everywhere. Canfield and Hansen bring you wit and wisdom, hope and empowerment to buoy you through life's dark moments.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 2 – Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World:</b></div><div><br></div><div>One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results.</div><div>Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time. Deep work will make you better at what you do and provide the sense of true fulfillment that comes from craftsmanship. In short, deep work is like a super power in our increasingly competitive twenty-first century economy. And yet, most people have lost the ability to go deep-spending their days instead in a frantic blur of e-mail and social media, not even realizing there's a better way.</div><div>In Deep Work, author and professor Cal Newport flips the narrative on impact in a connected age. Instead of arguing distraction is bad, he instead celebrates the power of its opposite. Dividing this book into two parts, he first makes the case that in almost any profession, cultivating a deep work ethic will produce massive benefits. He then presents a rigorous training regimen, presented as a series of four "rules," for transforming your mind and habits to support this skill.</div><div>A mix of cultural criticism and actionable advice, Deep Work takes the reader on a journey through memorable stories-from Carl Jung building a stone tower in the woods to focus his mind, to a social media pioneer buying a round-trip business class ticket to Tokyo to write a book free from distraction in the air-and no-nonsense advice, such as the claim that most serious professionals should quit social media and that you should practice being bored. Deep Work is an indispensable guide to anyone seeking focused success in a distracted world.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 3 – Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ:</b></div><div><br></div><div>Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's brilliant report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers startling new insight into our "two minds"—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny.</div><div>Through vivid examples, Goleman delineates the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships, work, and even our physical well-being. What emerges is an entirely new way to talk about being smart.</div><div>The best news is that "emotional literacy" is not fixed early in life. Every parent, every teacher, every business leader, and everyone interested in a more civil society, has a stake in this compelling vision of human possibility.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 4 – Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence:</b></div><div><br></div><div>Bestselling author Daniel Goleman returns with a groundbreaking look at today's scarcest resource and the secret to high performance and fulfillment: attention</div><div>For more than two decades, psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman has been scouting the leading edge of the human sciences for what's new, surprising, and important. In Focus, he delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting a long overdue discussion of this little-noticed and under-rated mental asset that matters enormously for how we navigate life. Attention works much like a muscle: use it poorly and it can wither; work it well and it grows. In an era of unstoppable distractions, Goleman persuasively argues that now more than ever we must learn to sharpen focus if we are to contend with, let alone thrive, in a complex world.</div><div>Goleman boils down attention research into a threesome: inner, other, and outer focus. A well-lived life demands we be nimble at each. Goleman shows why high-achievers need all three kinds of focus, as demonstrated by rich case studies from fields as diverse as competitive sports, education, the arts, and business. Those who excel rely on what he calls Smart Practices such as mindfulness meditation, focused preparation and recovery, positive emotions and connections, and mental "prosthetics" that help them improve habits, add new skills, and sustain excellence. Combining cutting-edge research with practical findings, Focus reveals what distinguishes experts from amateurs and stars from average performers. Ultimately, Focus calls upon readers not only to pay attention to what matters most to them personally, but also to turn their attention to the pressing problems of the wider world, to the powerless and the poor, and to the future, not just to the seductively simple demands of here-and-now.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 5 – High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way:</b></div><div><br></div><div>THESE SIX HABITS WILL MAKE YOU EXTRAORDINARY.</div><div><br></div><div>After extensive original research and a decade as the world’s highest-paid performance coach, Brendon Burchard finally reveals the most effective habits for reaching long-term success. Based on one of the largest surveys ever conducted on high performers, it turns out that just six habits move the needle the most in helping you succeed. Adopt these six habits, and you win. Neglect them, and life is a never-ending struggle.&nbsp;</div><div>We all want to be high performing in every area of our lives. But how? Which habits can help you achieve long-term success and vibrant well-being no matter your age, career, strengths, or personality? To become a high performer, you must seek clarity, generate energy, raise necessity, increase productivity, develop influence, and demonstrate courage. This book is about the art and science of how to practice these proven habits.</div><div>If you do adopt any new habits to succeed faster, choose the habits in this book. Anyone can practice these habits and, when they do, extraordinary things happen in their lives, relationships, and careers.</div><div>Whether you want to get more done, lead others better, develop skill faster, or dramatically increase your sense of joy and confidence, the habits in this book will help you achieve it. Each of the six habits is illustrated by powerful vignettes, cutting-edge science, thought-provoking exercises, and real-world daily practices you can implement right now.</div><div>HIGH PERFORMANCE HABITS is a science-backed, heart-centered plan to living a better quality of life. Best of all, you can measure your progress. A link to a professional assessment is included in the book for free.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 6 – How to Be a Capitalist Without Any Capital: The Four Rules You Must Break to Get Rich:</b></div><div><br></div><div>Instant Wall Street Journal Bestseller!</div><div>You don't need to be Ivy League educated, have money, be creative, or even have an idea to get rich. You just need to be willing to break the rules.</div><div>At nineteen, I founded a software company with $119 in my bank account. Five years later, it was valued at $10.5 million. I don't consider myself exceptionally brilliant. I just realized something few people know: You don't need lots of money or an original idea to get really rich.</div><div>Now, I make more than $100,000 in passive income every month, while also running my own private equity firm and hosting The Top Entrepreneurs podcast, which has more than 10 million downloads. This book will show you how I went from college dropout to member of the New Rich. And I'm holding nothing back. You'll see my tax returns, my profit and loss statements, my email negotiations when buying and selling companies.</div><div>It's time to forget your grandfather's advice. I'll teach you how to be a modern opportunist–investor, entrepreneur, or side hustler–by breaking these four golden rules of the old guard:</div><div>1.Focus on one skill: Wrong. Don't cultivate one great skill to get ahead. In today's business world, success goes to the multitaskers.</div><div>2.Be unique: Wrong. The way to get rich is not by launching a new idea but by aggressively copying others and then adding your own twist.</div><div>3.Focus on one goal: Wrong. Focus instead on creating a system to produce the outcome you want, not just once, but over and over again.</div><div>4.Appeal to the masses: Wrong. The masses are broke ($4k average net worth in America?). Let others cut a trail through the jungle so you can peacefully walk in and capitalize on their hard work.</div><div>By rejecting these defunct rules and following my unconventional path, you can copy other people's ideas shamelessly,</div><div>bootstrap a start-up with almost no funding, invest in small local businesses for huge payoffs, and reap all the benefits.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 7 – How to Run and Grow Your Own Business:</b></div><div><br></div><div>You are about to embark on one of the biggest adventures of your life. It's a daunting prospect, isn't it? An empty desk, no customers, no confirmed money coming in, and no one to gossip with. Welcome to running your own business. Every issue is now yours to wrestle with, and yours alone. But then so is all the satisfaction when things go well, whether that is mental or financial.</div><div>This book expertly guides you through the principles of running and growing a successful business – including what to do when it's not going exactly as you wish. Crammed with practical advice – from assessing pros and cons to motivating yourself and adopting effective practices – it will help you find clear, practical solutions and prove invaluable as you tackle this great adventure.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 8 – How To Start a Business without Any Money:</b></div><div><br></div><div>Do you dream of starting your own business but don’t have any money? What if you could set up a venture with nothing but a good business idea and the determination to make it work?</div><div>It’s an appealing idea, particularly in the current economic climate where no one has cash to spare and austerity rules the day. In fact, studies show that more people start businesses during recessions than at any other time. The good news is that it can be done, provided you follow a few golden rules. Based on Rachel Bridge's popular workshops, this book will help set you on the way to success.</div><div>As the former Enterprise Editor for the Sunday Times, Rachel has interviewed hundreds of successful entrepreneurs. Join her on her journey as she starts up her very own enterprise,, and covers all the ups and downs she encounters, while giving examples along the way of how real-life entrepreneurs have coped with the same problems that beset everyone in business at some point.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 9 – How to Think Like a CEO: The 22 Vital Traits You Need to Be the Person at the Top:</b></div><div><br></div><div>Drawing on in-depth interviews, Benton identifies 22 vital traits that make a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – the leader responsible for making decisions, guiding teams, selling ideas, managing crises and conquering the mountains before them.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Book 10 – Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction:</b></div><div><br></div><div>Canada's productivity expert returns with a totally fresh angle on how to do more with less.</div><div>Throughout his experiments and research, Chris Bailey came across many little-known insights into how we focus (a key element of productivity), including the surprising idea that focus isn't so much a state of heightened awareness (as we'd assume), but a balance between two frames of mind. The most recent neuroscientific research on attention reveals that our brain has two powerful modes that can be unlocked when we use our attention well: a focused mode (hyperfocus), which is the foundation for being highly productive, and a creative mode (scatterfocus), which enables us to connect ideas in novel ways. Hyperfocus helps readers unlock both, so they can concentrate more deeply, think more clearly, and work and live more deliberately. Diving deep into the science and theories about how and why we bring our attention to bear on life's big goals and everyday tasks, Chris Bailey takes his unique approach to productivity to the next level in Hyperfocus, while retaining the approachable voice and perspective that made him a fast favourite.</div>


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